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Prof. YANG Bin Bin 楊彬彬教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme

Associate Professor

BA (Lanzhou), MA (Peking), PhD (Wash)



Rm 807, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese Women's Literature, Comparative Literature, Ming-Qing Literature, Women and Gender Studies

Date Title


“Yangzhou Revisited: Spatial Imaginaries and Women’s Literature during the Qing,” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 10.1 (April, 2023): 57-80.


“Anchoring Identities in Yangzhou: Deyin (1681-after 1760) and the Re-Invention of the Huizhou Legacy,” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 44 (2022): 141-173.


2018, “Women’s Writings and the Social Metamorphosis of the Huizhou Mercantile Lineages: Wang Ying (1781-1842)’s Family History” 婦女著述與徽商家族蛻變: 汪嫈(1781-1842)著述中家族史的呈現, Studies of the Qing History《清史論叢》(Dec. 2018):173-200.


2018, “A New Landscape of Women’s Literary Production and Social Bonding in Yangzhou: Networks of He Peizhu’s (1819-?) Family” 揚州閨秀著述與交遊研究新視野——以何佩珠一門交遊圈為例, Journal of Chinese Women’s Studies《婦女研究論叢》149 (Sept. 2018): 97-108.


2017, “A Pictorial Autobiography by Zeng Jifen (1852-1942) and the Use of the “Exemplary” in China’s Modern Transformation,” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China 19.2 (Dec 2017): 263-315.


2016, “Drawings of a Life of ‘Unparalleled Glory’: Ideal Manhood and the Rise of Pictorial Autobiographies in China,” in Kam Louie, ed., Changing Chinese Masculinities: From Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men (Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong Press, 2016), pp. 113-134.


2014, “Guardians of Family Health in Qing China: From the Exemplary Wife to the Reformer,” Modern China Online First (July, 2014): 1-33.


2013, “Family ‘Drama’ and Self-Empowerment Strategies in Genealogy Writings of Yuan Jingrong (1786-ca.1852),” Frontiers of Literary Studies in China 7.1 (March, 2013): 37-64.


2012, “Disruptive Voices: Three Cases of Outspoken ‘Exemplary Women’ in Nineteenth-Century China,” Nan Nü: Men, Women, and Gender in China 14.2 (Sept. 2012): 222-261.


2012, “A Disease of Passion: The ‘Self-Iconizing’ Project of an Eighteenth-Century Chinese Woman Poet, Jin Yi (1769-1794),” Journal of Women’s History 24.3 (Sept. 2012): 62-90.


2010, “The ‘Self’s’ Dilemma: Illness and Autobiographical Desire in the Poetry Collection of a Qing-Dynasty Woman Poet” 自我的困境——一部清代閨秀詩集中的疾病呈現與自傳欲望, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica《中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊》37 (Dec 2010): 95-130.


2008, “’Illness as Metaphor’ and the ‘Cainü’ Identity during the Late Qing – Seen through the Case of Zeng Yi (1852-1927)” 由曾懿 (1852-1927) 的個案看晚清“疾病的隱喻”與才女身份,Research on Women in Modern Chinese History《近代中國婦女史研究》16 (Dec 2008): 1-28.


2008, “Valorization as Rhetoric: Women’s Moral Authority in ‘Debates over Women’ during the Qing Period清代女性道德權威與論辯策略, Annals of the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 《中國社會科學院文學研究所學刊》2 (Dec 2008): 323-350.